Studio Mike Presents: A Blend of Humor, Music and Story-Telling.

Well, after a year-long absence, I am back online. In fact, the last time I posted on here was in April of 2019.
During a zoom conference with my family this weekend, I mentioned my blog. My mom said: 'You have a blog?' I replied: 'Yes mom, but only for ten years.'
How do I describe how my life has been in 2020? 
NO. As in, NO cable, NO internet - until last weekend - NO job, NO EI, NO CERB, NO GF, NO job opportunities and basically, NO hope. That's how I'd describe it.
So, what did I do to keep myself from going crazy? I started a Podcast. It's called Studio Mike Presents - A Blend of Humor, Music and Story-Telling.
You can hear six of the episodes here:

I recorded the first nine episodes in an afternoon - the Voice Over parts - and after listening to them back while editing, I realized that the first two were basically unlistenable, lol. I had recorded the episodes completely unscripted while staring at a blank wall. I mumbled and rambled my way through the episodes and some turned out good, some not-so-much. I did a second VO recording session to redo the first two episodes, to add things I had missed the first time and to record another episode.

I obsessively worked on the episodes and finished them, before finally doing what I had been dreading: finding out where I could post them for free. I don't want to pay to post them and I don't want anyone to have to pay to listen to them either.
Turns out, that is no easy task. I contacted Steve Abbott, my go-to guy when I have questions about pretty much anything. He sent me a couple links that I went through only to realize that what I wanted was pretty much impossible.
Isn't that always the way?
There were 'free trial' offers through a ton of different podcast-hosting sites but the only one that I thought seemed right for me, was The 'free' option gave me up to 2GB of storage, which was enough to get a couple episodes online.
The first eleven episodes have a common theme, I call them my Remastered Series. What I did was take songs of OK quality from some of my favorite bands, I tossed them into Pro Tools First - the 'free option' - and played around with them until I was happy that I had made them sound better.
Each Remastered Series Podcast contains the remastered tracks and I talk about why I chose those bands, why I picked those tracks and I explain what I was trying to do to make the tracks sound better.
Originally I mixed a lot of the tracks too hot, meaning: way too loud! So, they would crackle and distort and were pretty terrible sounding. This whole thing has been a huge learning experience and man, did I fail a lot along the way. Typical me, had to make things harder than they had to be.
But, I did it and now you can hear some of them at

I'm hard at work preparing for my next batch of Podcasts, the theme for next batch of episodes is: me performing my favorite songs to my cats in my living room. Episode 12: Urban Diss and Dat, will be me performing acoustic versions of urban music, think: BEP, Snoop Dogg etc. Episode 13: Protest This! is obviously protest songs. Episode 13: Birkenstock Punk, is acoustic versions of punk/alternative songs. Episode 14: Girls Just Wanna Have Pun, I think is self-explanatory. And Episode 15: Studio Mike Originals. Until I figure out my podcast-hosting issues, I will only be able to post a couple of them, so that'll depend on which ones I'm happiest with.

Though I finished eleven podcasts, I only put six onto Soundcloud.
Here is the actual list of the Remastered Series episodes:
1. New Kingdom (on Soundcloud)
2. Boogie Down Productions
3. Moby
4. Thrown, Part 1
5. Thrown, Part 2
6. Thrown, Part 3
7. Sinsick (on Soundcloud)
8. The Bog  (on Soundcloud)
9. Deer Tick (on Soundcloud)
10. CCR (on Soundcloud)
11. Studio Mike Remixes (on Soundcloud)

I hope you take some time and listen to an episode or two. Overall I'm happy with them and I'm confident the new ones will just keep getting better and better.

Thanks for reading.
Studio Mike, The Hellhound, The Hellcat and Sweet Dumb Tito.
May, 2020.


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