The Compassion Experiment (Day 83)

The Compassion Experiment: Words Put !nto Action We were watching a documentary, there was a polar bear. We watched, as days passed into months, he swam and swam. He was exhausted. He couldn't find land, or food. Once he made it to land, he was so tired and hungry. He was too exhausted, to kill for supper. He died, starving. All I could think was: "Give the bear some @#$%ing food, man!" What the hell. I don't want to watch some bear suffer, just to see how it will die. It's cruel, feed it some @#$%ing food. Am I alone here? If you can stop a death from happening, shouldn't you stop it? Would the world end, if you gave that bear a steak? No. Jane Goodall , now see she did it right. It wasn't exploitive, she fought tooth and nail for animals she loved. I love gorilla's in the mist. Who doesn't? We should all be so noble. It's her total commitment, and absolute conviction that make her so invincible. She's still kickin' it real. I did not ...