The Compassion Experiment (Day 11)
The Compassion Experiment: is a blog about converting to a more compassionate lifestyle. Well, after doing so well for a whole 10 days, yesterday was a bit of a toughie. B says: Day 10 was a bad vegan day. Which is sad, because we aren't even sticking to a vegan diet 100% of the time, but even still, yesterday I crashed and I crashed hard. After my unappetizing lunch of yet another salad and peanut butter sandwich, with yet another curry flavoured rice and veggie dish looming on the horizon for dinner, I began to hate this experiment of ours. My hatred built throughout the afternoon and reached its peak when I got home and saw the blasted curry rice dish all ready to go into the frying pan. Loud, irrational words broke free from inside of me: "I CAN'T EAT THAT! I HATE THIS!" Mike listened to me for a minute or so and then proposed a walk around the neighborhood, where I proceeded to rant and rave. I wanted greasy, fast food. I wanted cheese. I wanted ice cre...