This May Help.

One of the greatest battles at the OMHS, is trying to prevent the spread of disease between animals in the adoption rooms.
Often the public takes the blame for passed infections, but I don't believe that to be completely accurate.
The real responsibility lies in the hands of the people who clean the cages everyday.
You have to be diligent, you have to have your eyes open at all times, and you have to concentrate on what is in front of you.
And I don't think a lot of people do that.
Luckily we have a lot of great volunteers who inundate us with reports of possible illnesses, and the Animal Health Technicians (VT's), take them all very seriously.
The love, and care all the animals receive at the OMHS is tremendous, and I don't think you could ask for much more.
In most cases, the animals are better off with us, than where they came from.
I believe part of the problem with the current system in place, is that the posters tell the customers not to touch the ani...