The Compassion Experiment (Day 55)

Not For Profit. The Compassion Experiment: We stand for change, and work to make it happen. The debate is over. Due to the amount of failures I've experienced in my life, it is easy to admit when I have made a mistake. I guess I should have went into @#$x Oakville more informed. I had never heard of it, never want to hear of it again. What I didn't realize, is that it is a machine run on corporate sponsorship, and I am a clog that is choking the gears of @#$x Oakville. I had no idea what I was getting into, but following the volunteer meeting, @#$x has left me with a constant knot in my stomach, and keeps me awake at night, upset. (This is being written at 3am). Am I supposed to live like this for 4 months? It had been so long since I had been somewhere where I felt so unappreciated, I had almost forgotten what it felt like. Life is too short to participate in an ego-stroking circle jerk like TEDx. I would rather spend the time I had reserved for @#$x on doing , not talking , ...