The Compassion Experiment (Day 17)

The Compassion Experiment : It's not a blog, it's a Blitter. Too short for a blog, too long for a Twitter. Morgan and Sara were displeased that the other cats were on the blog. They are holding the fat ones hostage until we post these pics! This email was sent to us from our good friend, Meghan: My mind was opened to how animals are raised when I was 15 or 16. I borrowed a book that my friend was reading when she was deciding to become a vegan. That was enough for me and I chose to no longer eat meat at that point. The last time that I ate a sad ass chicken was in a ceasar salad in March of 1996. The funniest thing was what my mom said after I announced my new decision to my family. She said her concern was what was I going to eat at Thanksgiving/Christmas? Hmm. I must have replied that I would eat everything else. At first, I ate really badly because I was a teenager and was still learning about recipes. I remember coming home after high school and making pasta and toast which...