Dear Editor:

Dear Editor, A friend of mine alerted me to the fact that your magazine's Holiday Gift Guide for 2010 includes a taxidermied piglet bank - made from a real piglet. This is the most grotesque and disturbing thing that I have heard in some time. How do you justify this and rationalize that this should be considered one of the top gifts to give in 2010? Animals endure enough suffering as it is - do you really think that promoting this kind of gift is an ethical thing to do? Animals should be treated with respect and compassion, and this most certainly does neither. I expect that you will receive an onslaught of letters echoing my thoughts and I hope that you do the right thing and retract this immediately - animals are not things, and they should not be treated as such. Sincerely, B On Friday night, we attended our first ever, compassionate pot luck. And it was AWESOME!! Everything was tasty as hell, and we couldn't stop eating. We brought Carrot and Ginger soup, and it was loote...