What is it really all about?

Lucky Guy. Simon is the newest addition to the Compassion Experiment family. He is settling in very quickly, and is going to love it here. Newsflash: Did you know, the original St. Nicholas, walked into a tavern, and knew right away, that the tavernmaster had killed three boys, and had chopped them up, and stewed them in barrels? He went to those barrels, poured them out, healed them all, and they walked away from it? True story. Now he just gives us socks. It's about time people realized what christmas giving is all about. It's about re-animating corpses. Didn't you know? What do Scrooge and the Grinch have in common? They oppose christmas, oh the horror. Bah-humbug is the voice of reason. We just wish more listened. And the hits keep on comin' There's nothing wrong with giving, of course, everyone should be so kind. But, they should do it every day, not just for two weeks out of the year. Do you know how many turkeys and pigs are slaughtered each year for this ho...