Tribute Concert in memory of Glynis Cunningham

The Day after Mother's Day, my landlord, Glynis Cunningham passed away. She didn't have a funeral, ceremony of life or even an obituary, which is kind of sad. I decided I wanted to do a Tribute Concert in the backyard of her place, 1324 Roylen Road, Oakville, ON, on June 10, to honour her memory. I'm hoping to raise enough money to sponsor a Cat Kennel at the Oakville Milton Humane Society in Glynis' name because I know she would really like that, she volunteered at the OMHS in the Animal Care Dept. and she was a Cat Socializer as well. The Tribute Concert will be on Sunday, June 10. Event starts at 6, concert starts at 7. It will feature performances by me - because I'm so affordable - and the talented Robin Stevenson - because she's awesome like that. There will be drinks, snacks, refreshments etc. There will be a donation jar for the cat kennel but no cost for the fun evening. It will be a nice evening and a fitting tribute to an unforgettable and c...