The Compassion Experiment Day 169

This weekend was Critters Gone Country at the OMHS, and though the weather chose not to cooperate fully, the damp weather couldn't dampen our spirits. This year there were a ton of vendors, including a Vegetarian/Vegan vendor that I completely missed! We spent a lot of $$$, tried to win a giant scratching post, and had a good time. Everyone worked really hard getting this thing together, and they all did an amazing job. No word on how much was raised, but I expect that it was a good year. Last year at Critters, the OMHS had to be closed to the public, but this year, the place was buzzing. People were everywhere (for better, or worse!), and all the cats in Room C got a lot of attention, making all the hard work we did to get it ready, worth it. Speaking of worth it: I was in Room C, getting cuddles from some amazing cats (see: Crosby, Leo and Avalanche), when a lady came into the room and gave me a look. She said: "You're a volunteer here, right?" I said: "Actuall...