A Maggot Conspiracy - NOW AVAILABLE!!

It only took 16 years to get this book out, which is a real testament to my skills of procrastination. It also only took a dozen or so people to turn this absurd idea into reality: Cover Art by Jason Todd , Illustrations by James Donnelly and Jason Todd , Book Layout by Steve Abbott. The book was edited with the keen eyes of: Steve Abbott , Ian S. Robertson , Maria Yates , Erma Odrach , Kirsten Dressler , Frank Beghin and Kasia Sobilo , to name but a few. So, sure, it says the book is by Stud!o M!ke - whoever the hell that is - in reality it took the help of more than a dozen people to turn this story out. So, a gigantic THANKS!! goes out to all of them. So, what's the story about? The description goes like this: "A powerful force, the Spark, has fallen into the hands of evil insects who desire nothing more than the total annihliation of the human race. It is up to Deegan the Sparrow and his friends from POE (Peace On Earth) to fight this devastating enemy and ...