Life with a Reactive Dog and The Senior Prom - a short story

George and myself at the Milton Mutt Strutt 2016. As some people know, I'm currently being sued thanks to an accident George and I had while still living in our apartment building last year. Though I can't go into details - in this particular case - it wasn't George's fault, or mine, it was just an accident. But someone is trying to take advantage of the fact that we were covered by apartment insurance and they are looking to make a quick buck from my insurance company, State Farm. Living with a reactive dog is rough. Living in an apartment building with a reactive dog was nothing less than a nightmare, every single day. I was physically ill for a year straight due to the stress of having to get George in and out of the apartment building at least twice a day. It was awful, but what choice did I have? After the incident in question, things were even more stressful, would we have another accident? I lived on the 12th floor and couldn't use the elevator...