(near) Death by Pot Roast

This true story is based on a true story. "Where is that noise coming from??" I ask the cats. No answer, surprisingly, but Sara is sick. I can hear a tight piercing pulse, like a smoke detector. "@#$%ing neighbours!" I scream, as I walk in circles trying to find the source, assuming, as always, that it is our neighbors. (note: Their smoke detector battery died 3 months ago. (re: Beep!!....Beep!!....Beep!!...) And we anonymously dropped a 9V battery into their mailbox weeks ago to stop the madness.) As I step out onto the back deck, I can hear the alarm much better, so I peer over the back railing and voila! Out of the kitchen window of the house behind us, pours black rings of smoke, and I freeze. "Holy $hit, holy $hit..."... I scream. Do I call 911? Is this for REAL?!! Two cars pull into the driveway. An old man, and a younger version of himself, casually get out of their cars, and greet each other amicably. I cup my mouth and yell: "SMOKE!! SMOKE!!...