Best Metal'ish albums of 2022

We use the term Metal’ish because some of our favorite albums could be considered metal adjacent, not metal necessarily, but awesome none-the-less and worthy of this list. We are always on the hunt for the next awesome metal album and this year there was no shortage of great stuff, in fact, this list could have been a lot longer. Finding all these albums on our own would be near impossible. What we do is wait until all the YouTube metal nerds put out their metal lists and we watch them - 20 or so videos so far - and any albums we haven’t heard yet, we check them out. Basically we let them find all the good albums that we missed and then check them out and see what we think. The criteria for this list is easy: is it a kick ass album? Yes or no? If no, then it’s probably power metal. If yes, we listen to it until we get sick of it. Anyways, here is the list of top metal’ish albums of 2022. We are reversing a trend and instead of making you wait to see what is #1, we will just start ...