Fish Food - A Classique Tail

I've been a creative writer since I was still in high school and have amassed a huge catalog of stories, books and novels that no one has ever read. I've recently decided it's finally time for some of my older stuff to see the light of day - if only because it doesn't cost a cent to post my work. The first story I'm releasing is Fish Food. It was originally set to be published in a horror magazine based out of Calgary, but it folded before it my story was printed. I wrote Fish Food at a time when my ultimate goal was to become a graphic horror fiction writer. I've since changed a lot as a writer, but this story is a good representation of the writer I used to be. I wanted to post the story as I originally wrote it, but then I read it. The original version was too over-the-top violent, even my liking, so I've made some changes to it. Fish Food was the first story in my Animal Revenge Series, which makes it a perfect fit for The Compassion Experiment blo...