Issue #41!!

Photo by: B. Villemaire The Compassion Experiment: Words Put !nto Action. Well folks, here it is, Issue #41, and by issue, I'm not talking issues like @#$x, or even the nastiest oil spill on record, or hell, not even the issue of the G20 and our loss of rights of freedom (though we'll get to that later!). More important than all that, this is the 41st issue of The Compassion Experiment! Note : We will be on vacation for the next 10 days, so this will be the last blog for a while. It'll be great to disconnect from the Matrix, and be real, interacting humans for a change. As this will be the case, we are trying to unload a truckload of info into this last issue, to keep you coming back for more! The Good News: The Compassion Experiment is now funded in part by the Oakville and Milton Humane Society. Two Monday's from now I start my first shift as a paid employee of the OMHS, but, more importantly, I will continue all my volunteering there as well, as the animals still r...