The Puppy Experiment Pt.1

The Puppy Experiment Recently we had a sewage backup, and had to have the basement floor redone, so we took this opportunity to redo the basement and create a much larger Foster Space. With a larger foster area we could bring in more animals, give them lots of space, but most importantly, they would have enough space that our resident animals wouldn't have to interact with the fosters and could live in blissful ignorance of their presence. We offered to foster many times since the renovations, but it wasn't until a litter of 6 puppies were dumped on the OMHS, that we finally got our chance to try out the new room. George and Sebastian came in with their 3 other brothers, and a sweet, playful sister, after being "found in a box at the side of the road". The boys looked like Black Labs, and the girl looked like a little German Shepherd so the logical conclusion to jump to was that they were a German Shepherd/Black Lab blend, though there is definitely more ...