Book 14. The end and a new beginning.

Awarded the Award of Excellence!! I don’t know exactly when it was that I came up with the idea to publish 12 Books in 12 Months, I just know that I did it to impress a girl, one that would be out of my life before I even published my first book. I guess I can thank her though, for helping me come up with an ambitious plan that would nearly bankrupt me spiritually and creatively. In the end, I would publish a total of 13 Books in 12 Months, releasing the last book on Dec. 30, 2018. To say it was a lot of work would be stating the obvious. I had to learn how to: lay out an ebook, design a book cover, publish an ebook and how to promote it. Every month I had to juggle editing one book, while writing a second book and designing a book cover, while posting blogs and sending mass emails, it was exhausting. But it was a good way to distract myself from all the chaos and sadness in my life. To get a clearer picture of the emotions I was going through check out the chapter: Interv...