All Podcasts Now Available. And Free!

Thanks to a generous donation, from my sister Janine, I can now upload any and all tracks I want to my Soundcloud account. This is amazing for a variety of reasons, mostly it just means I can record and post as much stuff as I can come up with, whenever I want. That's pretty cool! It would be cooler, if I wasn't the only one listening to my music, but, what can you do? I guess I shouldn't really complain, in the month or so I've had my podcast/soundcloud account, I've amassed 2x more followers than this account, which, sadly, isn't saying much. I'm an artist, I'm used to being criticized and putting out art - writing, music, audiobooks - that no one wants or cares for. I've got a thick skin, for the most part. But, I am also a giant emotional pussy, so I can take the criticism's personally and they can reduce me to tears sometimes. So, why do I continue to do this stuff? I'm an artist! That's what we do. We pollute the world with unwanted...