2108 is going to be a great year for live music!

Corrosion of Conformity - Opera House, 2018 It's the first week of March, which means I can take a week off writing/editing and laying out book #3 of 12. Book #3 is a kids adventure story called Moose and Turkey. I'm a music nerd and proud of it! 2018 is going to be a fantastic year for live music, I'm super pumped about it, pumped enough to write a blog about it, ya dig? This year I'll see as many bands/concerts as I can afford to. Concerts aren't cheap but it's important to support art and music, without culture humanity would lose its essence, its soul. One of the books I'll be releasing this year is called My Wasted Youth, which is a collection of recollections from the 200+ concerts I've seen and 300+ bands I've witnessed playing live. That number is going to bloat big-time this year because three months in, there are tons of concerts I want to see, it's crazy! I'll see as many as I can because this kind of thing doesn't...