The Compassion Experiment (Day 96)

It's a Mother@#$%ing MIracle!!! Dear MIC P: It's official. Bulls will no longer suffer a slow, painful and terrifying death in Catalonia's bullrings. History was made today when the Catalonian Parliament voted to approve an amendment of the current animal protection legislation and ban bullfighting within the region. MPs voted resoundingly in favour of a ban this morning - 68 voted for the ban, 55 voted against the ban and 9 abstained - marking a historic end to a long and hard-fought campaign. The ban will come into effect on January 1st 2012. This inspiring result came about because of a relatively simple act: people spoke out for animals, forcing politicians to turn those voices into votes. The victory is Catalonia's, but the celebration is ours too! It wasn't just local voices that were heard; two days before the vote WSPA formally handed in a letter that was signed by over 165,000 people from 120 countries around the world, to show politicians the huge internat...