
Showing posts from June 16, 2010

The Compassion Experiment (Day 60)

"While visions of chipmunks danced in his head..." The Compassion Experiment: Words Put Into Action " Great site. I'll have to keep checking back ." M.W. Somedays I wake up, thinking: 'What the hell am I going to write about?' Today was one of those days. Until I tuned into The Star and was confronted by this: Smoked Meat Recalled Oh god, here we go again. If we ever need a reminder that eating meat is BAD for you, I'd say a headline like 'Smoked Meat Recalled' pretty much sums it up. If you don't eat meat, it's easy to see an article like that and go: 'Who gives a @#$%!, people who eat meat get what they deserve.' And this is true. Eating meat is gambling with your life, and your health. From movies and in articles, we've learned about families who have lost their children to E.Coli, and Listeria, and this is of course a gigantic tragedy, but the saddest part about these cases, is that they could have been avoided. Ho...