Moving On Up!!!

We are happy to announce that The Compassion Experiment will be moving its headquarters, and it is a very exciting time for us. For anyone wondering if we've been keeping up with the experiment, you should be happy to know that we are still going strong. Even though the issues become less frequent, the content will only continue to get stronger. We are still in it for the long haul, and hope everyone will continue to support us, as we will continue to support them, and the animals. We hope it's an exciting time in everyone's life, and that things are going as nicely for them. Our current headquarters hit the market on Monday, and was gone by Tuesday evening. Nice. Thanks to Linda and Gord, Arianna, Nicole, Monique, Grant, Barbara and College Pro Painters. We celebrated with the WORLD'S BEST VEGGIE BURGER !!!! No $hit, this is the $hit! It's the Vegetable and Feta Burger from Montana's , and as much as we love Lick's Nature Burger, this one trumps it, in juic...