Top 10 Reasons I’m Not Surprised I Don’t Have a Girlfriend.

I must have picked the right font, because it looks like Gop 10 ! Ok, it's no surprise that I'm procrastinating writing my newest project, though I did write a short story for the Toronto Star Short Story contest, which means I still haven't given up my dream of becoming a successful author. Lucky for me, being a successful author means: completing a project I start. Also, it should't come as a surprise that I'm single, so I've compiled a Top 10 list of the reasons for this. Top 10 Reasons I’m Not Surprised I Don’t Have a Girlfriend. #10 - I trim my toenails with my teeth. #9 - When I pulled my laundry out of the dryer, I didn’t find any underwear, that’s when I realized I was still wearing the pair I washed last week. #8 - I’m broke and broken. #7 - I run like a girl and sit down to pee. #6 - I cut my own hair. #5 - I cry when I watch ‘The Notebook’. #4 - I’ll eat anything that’s free. #3 - I’ll drink anything that’s free. #2 - The minute I realize I’...