Mary Agnes Foster Diaries - NOW AVAILABLE!!

With November almost over, that means it's time to publish another book! I'm happy to announce the release of Book #11 of 2018, The Mary Agnes Foster Diaries. For those who are counting, this represents the 3rd non-fiction book of 2018. There are also a couple true stories in the short story anthology Little Surfer Girl. The description for the Mary Agnes Foster Diaries : "Mary Agnes Foster Diaries is a photo-documentary about the ups and downs of fostering a former puppy mill mama, named Mary Agnes. She came into the shelter as a terrified, skinny dog and l was drawn to her and wanted nothing more than to help turn her life around. This is the true story of how that happened." You can purchase it here: Agnes-Foster-Diaries-Studio- ebook/dp/B07KVR7SFF/ref=sr_1_ 1?ie=UTF8&qid=1543433295&sr=8- 1&keywords=Mary+Agnes+Foster+ Diaries -- The irony of course, is that I never planned on releasing this book, it wasn...