The Compassion Experiment (Day 59)

The Compassion Experiment: Words Put Into Action. It's nice to know you're not alone sometimes. In response to yesterday's rant: B says: "I love the blog today and the photo too - what a cool idea! Gotta get me one of those day. Quite the rant you had on the blog, but it's all very very true. Yesterday during one of our quiet moments I had the realization that my life could have gone two ways. I have always liked nice things, and was to be honest, quite materialistic at one point in my life. I spent all my money on clothes and my hair, and fantasized about working part time if at all thanks to some rich, unknown husband. That could just as easily been have my path as what I have now. It scares me. OK, so now I have old clothes and crap hair, but I also have a lot of things I believe in like reducing waste and expenses and resources, eating organically and compassionately, giving back, and so on. I still struggle with my love of nice things, whic...