
Showing posts from April 30, 2010

The Compassion Experiment (Day 12)

The Compassion Experiment: is a blog about converting to a more compassionate lifestyle. So, the big issue that has been hanging over the citizens of Oakville, has been whether or not a power plant will be built in our backyard, so to speak. As one might imagine, the opposition to the power plant has been ferocious, and eventually some MPP's and Mayor Burton got their head into the game, realizing what a huge issue this will be come reelection time. Oakville keeps passing new laws to try and prevent it. Only plants of 10 Megawatts or less can be put in now, and the one TransCanada wants to put in is, uh, 900 Megawatts. But of course, the OPG and TransCanada, are completely confident it is still going in. Dalton McGuinty has said over and over: "I don't care what the people of Oakville think, it is going in." As a citizen of Oakville, this whole issue pisses me off on a lot of levels. The first being that the location is closer than 250ft to the nearest school. Can y...