Rant Alert! Rant Alert!

This is a picture of me and a pig I called Orson. Orson was given up by his owners, and surrendered to the shelter I work at. He was awaiting his new home, which is on a farm where he will be loved and not eaten. Orson was house trained, and walked on a leash, but the one thing he apparently didn't like, was being picked up by a d-bag who wanted a picture with him. Before the film Deliverance, the term "Squeal like a pig" meant something totally different, it meant the sound a pig makes when being picked up, and being none to happy about it. Orson was very popular at the shelter, people were constantly popping by to say hello, and they would toss him some lettuce, or carrots, or sweet potatoes. And he was happy to see them, he was a friendly, outgoing guy, and loved to eat. The thing that confused me, is that these same people who swooned over him, later went home and ate bacon, pork or ham, and seemed to have the ability to ignore the fact that the flesh they are pu...