The Compassion Experiment (Day 39)

Not for profit. The Compassion Experiment: It's not a blog, it's a Blitter. Too short for a blog, too long for a Twitter. Man, who knew gardening was so tough on the body. I ache. I feel like my back is out of joint, and my knees are rubber. From gardening. I find this quite disturbing. Today I'll walk down the road to the Community Garden (Oakville Arena site), and pick some lettuce and spinach. On Sunday, after we helped out with the cutworm situation, we left with our hands full. We took dill, and replanted it here. And two violet's, which have survived the transplant and are flourishing. This is the payoff for trying something new. We are amazed at all the new and fantastic opportunities that keep coming up, now that we have our eyes open to new ideas and a new way of life. We keep meeting new people, smart people, people who care about animals, and people who love life. And people of all ages. It's actually quite unbelievable and hard to put into words really....