The King and Little Surfer Girl

I was given advice by a writer who's opinion I respect, Steve Abbott. He told me the best way to get more readers to tune into my blog was by posting more work - at least one blog a week - and that each post should include a picture or two. I've taken this advice to heart and have written regular blogs ever since, in an attempt to grow my audience. It couldn't get any smaller. This blog, I call it: The King and Little Surfer Girl, contains a funny poem and a short story that is part of an anthology I re-edited last year. I'll just keep these coming, it's fun. Hopefully it's fun for you too. Cheerio, Mike, Tito, George and Ghost Spencer May 2016 The King of the Friend Zone He’s the King of the Friend Zone, He’s a lucky guy, He’s friends with many women, Though he doesn’t know why. Women like him, They...