Funny Cats/Funny Poetry

Our thoughts are with the people of Fort McMurray and with their animals. This fire has truly been a tragedy and we can only hope that most - if not all the pets - will be reunited with their families. It's during tough times like these that people need their pets most, to comfort, to listen, to just be there. Their presence can bring a calming effect that can only come from furry loved ones and if you're a pet owner, you know exactly what I mean. At the Oakville Milton Humane Society, the staff, volunteers and donors have all come together to help out the families of Fort McMurray with a huge donation drive that had people pulling up in trucks with skids of pet food and everyday people walking in with hands full of treats, beds, collars and anything that can be used to help out the domestic animals of Fort McMurray. It has been a revelation of sorts to see the way people have opened their hearts at this terrible time and has been a real eye opener. People coming off the...