
Showing posts from April 28, 2010

The Compassion Experiment (Day 10)

The Compassion Experiment: is a blog about converting to a more compassionate lifestyle. So, you've just been invited out to dinner at the Keg, for the birthday of someone you love. But, you're a compassionate eater, so the Keg is the last place on earth for you. Even their salads are covered in meat. What do you do? I think the reality is that you'd regret missing that birthday, more than you would regret eating that slab of salty goodness. On a related topic. You're on a fixed income, in a rush, and the only place you can afford is MacDonald's, and what with them being the antichrist and all, what do you do? I guess the real question is, how committed are you to saving animals? Living compassionately isn't a walk in the park, this is what I'm finding out, but I'm sure the longer we think this way, the easier the answers will come. During this time of transition, it is easy to slip back into habits, the fight is in staying the course, and finding optio...