12 Books in 12 Months?

I think it was early June of 2017 when I came up with the ridiculous idea of releasing 12 Books in 12 Months . Once I had that idea though, it became my goal: to release one book, every month, in 2018. Originally I was only planning on releasing four books but as things always do, the idea spiralled out of control and I decided to push my creativity to the max. I have not decided on the order of the release of the books, though the first one - 12 Books in 12 Months? - which is a sampler of some of the work I'll be releasing this year, is to be the first one. In fact it's done and finished in Vellum - the publishing software I'm using - I'm just dealing with the technological complications that come with being a complete and utter luddite. FUQ (Frequently Unasked Questions) Q : How many books will I release this year? A : 12 Q : Why am I doing this? A : To get all my best written work out, so I can move onto other things, like podcasts, audiobooks, remixes...