The Compassion Experiment (Day 8)
The Compassion Experiment: is a blog about converting to a more compassionate lifestyle. "Turkey hunt starts Monday in Halton's public forests," is the headline in this weekends Oakville Beaver. Am I missing something here? Has there been a sudden rise in turkey's sneaking into homes and stealing first born children? I mean, this is Oakville for god's sake, you want a turkey, go to the goddamned grocery store, or even better, don't eat turkey! The most infuriating thing about this article is that a) this doesn't need to be done at all, b) it's being done on public property, and c) why the hell do you need to be hunting turkey's in Halton?! This is the exact kind of ignorance that The Compassion Experiment is rebelling against. Pure utter idiocy. This weekend was the Green Living Show, and we had an amazing time. There were a lot of great vendors this year, so it'll probably take a week or so to go through all the amazing vendors and food we w...