Piebird Bed and Breakfast

Piebird Bed and Breakfast (Nipissing, ON) Over the May 24 weekend, we had the utmost pleasure of spending two days and nights at Piebird Bed and Breakfast and Farmstay in Nipissing Ontario. Piebird Bed and Breakfast and Farmstay is run by an amazing couple, Sherry and Yan, each filled with so much love, knowledge and openness, it was a pleasure to be in their company, and we are indebted to them in a big way. We had heard of Piebird years ago at veg.ca , but had only now, found the time to make the trip. The reason we chose this particular weekend, was to take their How To Grow Your Own Food - Gardening Workshop, something we badly needed because our gardens last year were a total disaster. The How To Grow Your Own Food workshop was a mind-blowing experience, so much learning, and so much information, it was a little overwhelming, but the combination of expert knowledge and the hands-on learning, made it easy to retain all the input Yan relayed to...