The Compassion Experiment (Day 23)

The Compassion Experiment : It's not a blog, it's a Blitter. Too short for a blog, too long for a Twitter. Right now, is there a bigger environmental issue than the oil spill? I think not. Maybe the senseless slaughter of seal pups for coats, but I won't touch that topic for now. For now, the question is, who is to blame for the oil spill? Is it BP? Not as far as I'm concerned. Do you drive a car? Do you drive an SUV or crossover? If the answer is yes, than you are just as much to blame as the idiots who screwed up the drilling, and who have now screwed up the whole ocean. A pretty big feat, mind you, but not in a good way. Our dependency on oil is the real culprit here, and we are just as guilty as anyone else, so I'm not pointing fingers, just stating the plain fact that we are all guilty for this tragedy. But, this could be a huge turning point for people's consciousness towards oil consumption, which could turn a bad thing, into a positive. Ask the dying ani...