When the bad guys win...

Not For Profit (ed.note: This case is still pending, but the word is getting out, and people are upset. A lot of big hearts in this town, this case could open some eyes and lead to changes in the current animal abuse laws) Cooler talk: "They let her go? Wow...they played russian roulette, and lost." - Anonymous "It was the judges fault, he made the ruling. Had it been an abuse case like this with a person, they would have fried." - Anonymous "If I knew someone who broke legs, I'd be talking to them now. " - Anonymous "But... I'm rich? Give me my dog." - Anonymous What is everyone talking about? Probably the worst case of animal abuse in OO history, and I watched, as that dog, was put in the back seat of a car, and watched it drive away, not fully realizing at the time, what had happened. There isn't a single person in the organization that isn't upset about the turn of events, but it reminds us how animals are treated in the eye...