The Compassion Experiment (Day 90)

The Compassion Experiment: Words Put !nto Action. Welcome to our Animals As Entertainment Issue! Let me start by passing along these two articles about recalled meat. Though we don't eat meat anymore, we still know people that do and think they should be warned about potential dangers in their meat. Article 1 , and Article 2 . I am amazed at the amount of times Listeria has come up already in the 90 days since we started this crazy experiment. This is the article that gave us the idea for this issue, it is in regards to the deaths at this years Calgary Stampede. It is quite tragic, but the question is, can it be stopped? People love to use the word 'tradition' as an answer to why things still occur like this. Why does bullfighting still exist? It's a tradition. Why to people still visit zoo's? It's a tradition. Why are there rodeos, calf-roping, and steeplechase? Tradition, tradition, tradition! @#$% tradition, it's the oldest excuse, and it has grown qui...