12 Books in 12 Months? - NOW AVAILABLE!

Holy Smokes, Tofu! I actually did it! Well, despite my total incompetence when it comes to computers and technology, I was able to get 12 Books in 12 Months? uploaded and it is NOW AVAILABLE! You can buy it at www.smashwords.com the link is: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/MikePrzysiezny I've also uploaded the book to Amazon.ca and it is now available in the library, the link is: https://www.amazon.ca/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Stud%21o+M%21ke The hardest part of this process was learning the publishing software - Vellum - and figuring out how to get the book available for purchase. The reason I used Smashwords is because it makes the book available at every bookseller except Amazon. So, between making it available on Smashwords and Amazon, I should have all the avenues to sell the book covered. But I guess we'll see. I don't expect this book to be successful necessarily, what I'm really hop...