Project Peanut

Project Peanut I’m strolling through new holding, (this is the “newer” part, of the 76 year old animal shelter), and where most of the dogs reside, as they wait their turn to go up for adoptions, and catch up on their vaccinations, and spay/neuter. The dogs are up-in-arms about something. A new arrival, I assume. As I pass NH9, I see movement. NH9 and 10 have screens half-way up the steel door, for protective purposes, so I can’t really see the dog clearly. As I approach to kennel, he darts to the back of the kennel and has a panic attack, a total freak out. “It’s cool man,” I say, “take a chill”. Whatever the opposite of “chill” is, that’s what this dog was. Stay away from me! His posture spoke for him. I’m scared. “Don’t worry man, this is a good place.” How do I know that? “You just have to trust me.” But I don’t know who you are. “That’s fair, but I don’t know who you are either.” Good point. Stay away! He cowers in the corner. ...