The Compassion Experiment (Day 58)

The Compassion Experiment: Words Put Into Action. Today's Parallel's 'Of Wisdom': "The mighty engine of marketing helped turn people's attention away from what they did and toward what they owned as the basic mechanism of self-definition. Over time personal pride became more associated with the status value of one's possessions than from one's work or contribution to society." Taken from NOWTOPIA. Some people stand for change, others just stand in line for the newest iPhone. B and I are watching the news, and they are doing an interview: "In order to truly experience the World Cup, you have to have one of these high definition TV's. Everything is shot in HD these day, and you just can't watch on one of those old, round screen TV's, you can't live without one of these..." Oh really? Because what the world needs is more TV's in the landfill, right? When I'm watching TV, I don't need to see the spinach in so...