The Compassion Experiment (Day 103)

We finally made it to The Donkey Sanctuary! It was a brutally hot day, I'm talking hot as f@#$! In fact, I almost passed out from the heat a couple times. We had learned about the place at the OMHS General Meeting, and it sounded amazing, so we made the drive out to Guelph. The Donkey Sanctuary is: ' a refuge for donkeys, mules and hinnies who have been neglected or abused, or who can no longer be cared for by their owners. ' Their website says: ' The Sanctuary is 100 acres of tranquility, in which we strive to live in peaceful harmony with the animals we have rescued. It is our heartfelt mission to ensure the animals who come to live out the remainder of their lives with us are surrounded by love, dignity, and the respect they so richly deserve.' No words can really describe how serene it was being there. The place was packed, and there were tons of families and field trips going on, yet it was totally peaceful and relaxing, and all the animals were treated with t...