Little Surfer Girl - NOW AVAILABLE!!

Book # 6! In my attempt to publish 12 books this year, I've now hit the halfway mark with Book #6, my short story anthology Little Surfer Girl and other Tales of Hilarity and Horror. Hard to believe I've made it this far, considering all the craziness that has been happening in my real life. Releasing 6 books is a pretty big accomplishment. You can purchase Little Surfer Girl here: Surfer-Girl-Hilarity- Experiment-ebook/dp/ B07DYJ177V/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8& qid=1529763499&sr=8-1& keywords=Little+Surfer+Girl+ Studio+Mike My next book is going to be... actually, I haven't decided which book to release next. I've been kind of winging it this whole way, so your guess is as good as mine as to which book I'll release next. Been keeping myself busy with the successful Tribute Concert for Glynis Cunningham - I will write a longer post about that in the near future - we raised $1165 for the Oakville Milton Humane Society and ...