The Return of the Garden Party!

Last year I was unable to host a garden party - I didn't have a garden - and instead I was slowly rotting in an apartment building from hell, dreaming of a better life. This year I've found myself lucky enough to be in the position to throw another Garden Party and by god, that's exactly what I'm going to do! The previous Garden Party's were a big success and I'd love to do those party's justice by throwing a new format party: the BBQ/Concert/Fundraiser party. Like previous years, most of the performances will feature myself - I'm reliable and affordable(free) - but this year will also include a performance by the delightful Rosalinde Sara P. This year the food will be a smorgasbord of tasty delights and will feature gourmet BBQ pizza cooked to perfection by of one of the best chef's I know, my sister Pam. There will be plenty of drinks, water and juice and though the backyard has nice tree coverage, we'll also have shelter from th...