The Mars Experiment, Vol. 2 - NOW AVAILABLE!!

Book # 5!! I've been keeping myself busy with The Twelve Month Experiment and now with the Tribute Concert for Glynis Cunningham set for Sunday June 10, I'll be busier than ever. I still haven't found a new apartment and that's after looking for two months but my stay here is has been extended until the house sells, so fingers crossed I finally find the place I so badly need and that this house sells for the max price. Book #6 I worked hard on Book #5, The Mars Experiment, Vol. 2 and think that the layout and the overall look of the book is my best so far. Of course, if you haven't read the first volume, this book won't make any sense and that's ok. Dark sci-fi/fantasy isn't everybody's cup of tea, that's why for Book #6, I'll be putting out my Short Story Anthology titled 'Little Surfer Girl and other Tales of Hilarity and Horror ' and hope that it will appeal to a larger audience. All I have done at this point is the cov...