I'm ba-aack! Kind of.

I spent a good day or two this year trying to learn more about promoting my books and it was agony. So, I just stopped.
And then I started writing more books, lol.

In other news:

I have two books available at your local library!
Yes, you can now find not one, but two of my books, free of charge, through Indie Ontario and Biblioboard.
And my books are available all over North America, so you can get my books in Vancouver, or New York City, via your local library.
That's pretty cool.
They don't charge anything and I don't make any money from it but it is a good way to get my books out there. And they are pretty picky, so it's cool that they accepted both books I submitted, which were: Moose and Turkey and A Maggot Conspiracy.

To learn more about Indie Ontario and Bilblioboard, check this link:

In Other Other news:

I've been working hard at my newest writing project and have finished the first book of the series! It is currently going through the second round of editing but so far, so good.
I'm currently writing the second book of the series and it's going great. I'm having a lot of fun with these books and I hope that it translates into a fun adventure for the reader.
When I release the first book, I'll be giving people a chance to win a free copy of the book, if they can solve a cipher! It's pretty hard, btw.
So, keep your eye out for that announcement later this year.
Until then, stay healthy and be helpful.
Thanks for caring,
Studio Mike, The Hellhound, The Hellcat and Sweet Tito.
April 2019 

Moose and Turkey:


A Maggot Conspiracy:



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