Moving on, yet again.

The only thing harder than finding a decent place while working a minimum wage job, is finding a place that'll take pets.

For the third time in four years, I have to find a new place to rent. Unlike the two previous times, this time I am not moving out by choice but because my landlord has terminal cancer and she needs us to get out, so she can sell the place before she passes on.
Watching cancer ravage such an amazing lady has been heart-wrenching. When I see her now it feels like I'm looking at a ghost, she is so frail and pale. When I talk to her she says she just wants to die. Her family is devastated and all she wants to do is sleep and smoke cigarettes and have no more pain.
For those who don't know, my landlord basically saved my life last time I had to look for a place and it was through word of mouth at work (Thank you, Kirsten Dressler!) that I was even able to find this place. I've been so happy living in my little basement apartment. Life at home has never been more relaxed and stress-free, for the animals, and for myself. I've had some incredible times down in this basement and I'm going to miss this place like crazy.
I try to keep things in perspective by reminding myself how horrible life has turned for my landlord and that as bad as things seem for me, I will be ok. We will find a place where we will be happy and comfortable and I will continue to work a job I love. I will be able to spend time with my family and my friends and chase down all my goals and dreams.
My landlord won't be able to do these things.
And that's sad, devastating and tragic, for her, for her family and for all the people she has touched with her kindness and sass. Cancer is a motherfucker.
I started looking for a place last week and just like the last two times I had to search for a new place to rent, finding a place that I can afford on minimum wage and that takes pets is near-impossible. One option would be to just get rid of my pets, but that isn't an option at all, mostly because two of my animals are BSC - Bat Shit Crazy - and suffer from S4B (Shit for Brains) Syndrome, just like me. Must be genetic.
I'm not getting rid of my pets. Everyone I know has pets and they've found places to live. So can I.
It won't be easy and I'm putting this out there in the hopes someone knows someone, who works with someone, that is related to someone, that is looking for a great tenant and his fantastic pets.
Unlike the last two times I searched, I now have a car and that will open up more options for me and I'm guessing Oakville will no longer be our home come June 1.
Sometimes life hands you a shit sandwich and all you can do is hold your nose and swallow it whole, so it's gone and you can move on with your life.
I'll try to honour my landlords memory by living on and striving to be the best brother, friend and co-worker I can be. How hard could that be??

If anyone hears of a place that is for rent, please send it my way. The sooner I move out, the sooner my landlord has one less thing to worry about.

Stud!o M!ke, George, Tito and California.
April 2018


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