Moose and Turkey - NOW AVAILABLE!!

I'm attempting to release 12 books in 2018 and with the release of my third book, Moose and Turkey, I'm 1/4 of the way to achieving my goal!
It hasn't been easy, in fact, last week my new computer died and I had to take it in to get it fixed. Not only was I told I would lose everything I had saved on my new computer, but the warranty for my NEW COMPUTER! didn't cover anything and I was out of pocket $111.
Luckily, they were able to save my books, so that's a good thing. It was a stressful time, though I've got tougher things coming soon but I'll save that for another blog.
Moose and Turkey was my first attempt at writing a children's book and having to be PG and use kid-friendly language was a challenge because, you know, I'm a dirty old man with a twisted sense of humor, so that made it tough. But I did it and I'm super happy with the results. It's actually a pretty kick-ass book, so even if no one cares to read it, I'm still proud of the job I did on it.

What is Moose and Turkey about?

"Moose and Turkey is a funny, exciting and fantastical children's book about the adventures of a ten year old boy named Moose, and his crusty sidekick, Turkey, the 10 year old cocker spaniel. Read along as Moose and Turkey enter an otherworld with real world consequences. The story has vivid and unique characters and is full of belly-aching laughs. Join the adventure as Moose and Turkey battle dark-intentioned evil while they search for a way home. But, will they ever make it home again?"

You can purchase the book here:

What has been the best thing about trying to release 12 books in 12 months?

It's been good to have a goal to work toward, to keep me motivated to write on my days off, instead of sitting around and watching shows like Mr. Robot or Silicon Valley.

What's the worst thing about trying to release 12 books in 12 months?

Well, to be honest I expected a lot more support than I've received. Other than my family and a couple of co-workers, people just kind of don't seem to give a shit that I'm working my ass off for no money or recognition and I'm trying my damndest to keep going despite the fact that the only one who truly cares about what I'm doing is me.

What are the chances I release all 12 books this year?

With each passing month is gets tougher to find the motivation to keep going. This is probably because I have only sold a couple books and that makes it tougher to get up in the morning and work my ass off for nothing.

What did I expect would happen?

I don't know, but I expected to feel like I've had a least a taste of success, whatever that means, or at least feel supported. Thought more people, friends in particular, would support me, but that hasn't been the case at all. Yes, it's my job to keep myself motivated, and I'm the one who set this stupid goal, so why should anyone actually care.

But, why should anyone care?

Because at least I'm doing something. At least I'm trying to do something creative and bring something new and fun into the world. This shit ain't easy and an 'atta boy!' goes a long way to making me feel like this project is something other than just a colossal waste of time, which is how I feel about it now.

Why keep doing then?

When I set a goal I accomplish it. It's what separates me from most people - I say I'm going to do something and I do it. That reason, and that reason only, is what'll get me to complete this goal.

Will each monthly book blog continue to be as depressing as this one?

It's only going to get worse, I'm afraid. Things in my life are changing, and not for the better. If I get any more books out it'll be a friggin' miracle.

So, why bother?

I don't know. Not sure I actually care anymore.

Thanks for my family and co-workers for the support, I really do appreciate it.

Next book?
The Mars Experiment Volume 1.

With dwindling optimism and hope,
Stud!o M!ke, George the Hellhound, California the Hellcat and Tito Mosquito.
March, 2018


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