12 Books in 12 Months?

I think it was early June of 2017 when I came up with the ridiculous idea of releasing 12 Books in 12 Months. Once I had that idea though, it became my goal: to release one book, every month, in 2018.
Originally I was only planning on releasing four books but as things always do, the idea spiralled out of control and I decided to push my creativity to the max.
I have not decided on the order of the release of the books, though the first one - 12 Books in 12 Months? - which is a sampler of some of the work I'll be releasing this year, is to be the first one. In fact it's done and finished in Vellum - the publishing software I'm using - I'm just dealing with the technological complications that come with being a complete and utter luddite.

FUQ (Frequently Unasked Questions)

Q: How many books will I release this year?
A: 12

Q: Why am I doing this?
A: To get all my best written work out, so I can move onto other things, like podcasts, audiobooks, remixes/remasters and performing live. I'll return to writing again, just not for a long while.

Q: What types of literature will I be tackling?
A: In no particular order: Kids Books, Young Adult Fiction, Illustrated Novel, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Vegan Cook Book and a Non-Fiction Musical Adventure.

Q: Where will people be able to purchase my books?
A: They'll all be available on Amazon, as eBooks. I'll post each month about every book release, once I've figured out how to use Createspace to get my books released. No easy feat for me.

Q: Why only eBooks?
A: It was cheaper for the eBook licence ($260 CAD), than the eBook and Print Licence ($370 CAD) with Vellum. And when you consider that I don't expect to make any money off my books, that's $260 I'll never see again.

Q: Will you print any of the books?
A: Not unless by some miracle any of the books are actually successful and there is some type of demand for them. So, no, none will come out in print.

Q: Are all the books finished?
A: Not even close. That'll be part of the challenge and I'll have to work my butt off to get all this stuff released in a timely fashion.

Q: Who is STUD!O M!KE?
A: He is me. STUD!O M!KE is my alter ego. It's the name I will use on my books, podcasts and new music. It's a lot easier to pronounce than my real name.

Q: What's the point of all this?
A: Not really sure, to be honest. I guess I'm just obsessively compelled to complete anything I start.

Q: Will I finish all the books in a timely fashion? Will anyone care about what I'm trying to do here? Will I give up when it becomes too frustrating dealing with my computer? What are my expectations?Why should anyone care? Why do this to myself? Why do this to the world? What good will come out of this?
A:  I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I'm going to work harder than I ever have before and will try to push my creativity to new levels. I will have fun and truly hope that people will enjoy my work.
Hopefully a year from now I'll be writing about the successful year I had and how so many good things came into my life because I took on this ridiculous challenge.

Keep your eyes out for the first release, 12 Books in 12 Months?.
Due out soon.

STUD!O M!KE, George the Hellhound, Tito Mosquito and Crazy California.


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