12 Books in 12 Months? - NOW AVAILABLE!
Holy Smokes, Tofu! I actually did it! |
Well, despite my total incompetence when it comes to computers and technology, I was able to get 12 Books in 12 Months? uploaded and it is NOW AVAILABLE!
You can buy it at www.smashwords.com the link is: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/MikePrzysiezny
I've also uploaded the book to Amazon.ca and it is now available in the library, the link is: https://www.amazon.ca/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Stud%21o+M%21ke
The hardest part of this process was learning the publishing software - Vellum - and figuring out how to get the book available for purchase. The reason I used Smashwords is because it makes the book available at every bookseller except Amazon. So, between making it available on Smashwords and Amazon, I should have all the avenues to sell the book covered. But I guess we'll see.
I don't expect this book to be successful necessarily, what I'm really hoping is that it gets the ball rolling, to start building momentum for the eleven other books I'll be releasing this year.
I'm just glad I got the first book up and available because now I can go back to concentrating on the book I'm currently writing - Lost in the Wilderness - and continue all the editing that comes along with releasing twelve books in a year.
Every month I'll write about the newest book and post a taste of it here.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me through this long, often painful process. I couldn't have done this without your help. You are amazing and I'm grateful for your support.
Below you will find the introduction to 12 Books in 12 Months?:
"12 books in 12 months? Am I crazy or what? That is the goal though, to release one book a month, every month, during the year 2018.
Some of the books I will release this year will include: Young Adult Fiction, Children’s Fiction, Adult Sci-fi/Fantasy, an Illustrated Novel, a Vegan Cook Book, a Short Story Anthology and a Non-Fictional musical adventure called My Wasted Youth.
What makes this idea even crazier is that most of these books lie in an incomplete state. I’d say at least ten of them are near the finish line but this really will be a challenge and unless I put myself out the way I have, trying to make this somewhat outrageous idea a reality, none of them would probably ever see the light of day.
They say everybody has at least one good book in them, so, I’ve decided to put out twelve books in twelve months with my fingers crossed that at least one of them is good, possibly even great.
Twelve Books in Twelve Months? is a tasty sampling size of some of the work that I will release in 2018, to give potential readers a taste of the madness that is my mind.
Enjoy the madness!
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